Oil spill team deployed to storm damaged boat in Little Bay

Montserrat’s national oil spill response team were today deployed to Little Bay to mitigate the risk of pollution from a partially submerged boat.

The vessel ran aground on the northern side of the Little Bay pier on Tuesday, 13 August, during the passage of Tropical Strom Ernesto.

According to a Facebook statement from the Disaster Management Coordination Agency on 14 August, the team placed containment booms around the boat.

These are floating devices designed to create a barrier that limits the spread of oil on the water’s surface, making it easier to remove with skimmer machines.

Montserrat’s national oil spill response team place containment booms around the boat. (Government of Montserrat/2024)

Senior disaster management coordinator Astrid Wade led the exercise and Meridian Construction Company, which is building the new port facility in Little Bay, provided the equipment.

Police marine officers then conducted an assessment of the area, after which a fuel tank with a capacity of 250 litres of diesel was safely removed from the deck, the statement said.

Local fisher-people also participated in the response and salvage exercise which will continue on Thursday, 15 August.