Donaldson Romeo and team to contest general election

Former premier Donaldson Romeo has announced his intention to contest the upcoming general election with a team of “dedicated, trust-worthy and capable individuals”.

In a statement to media on 9 February, the veteran politician said he had been meeting with “a group” over the past several months but did not identify any of the members.

“Given the small pool of available and willing candidates, it is not prudent to make names public at this time,” he said.

However, they are “determined to work hard, day and night, shoulder to shoulder with those at home and abroad to save our beloved country from further decline”.

He added that he and his team will help Montserrat to grow towards standing on its own two feet out of dependency on the UK government.

Romeo has been involved in the island’s political scene for 28 years.

From 1995 to 2009, which he called “the first 14 years of the volcano crisis”, he took on the role of activist and journalist.

Between 2009 and 2014, he served as an independent member and leader of the opposition in the Montserrat Legislative Assembly.

From 2014 to 2019, he was premier of Montserrat, and from 2019 to today, he is serving as an independent member of the opposition.

No longer independent

Despite his history as an independent, Romeo said he does not intend to contest the upcoming election as an independent candidate.

Instead it will be with a team “who both understand and are equipped to address the prolonged and deepening crisis faced by the people of Montserrat”, he said.

“I intend to be part of a team of individuals who are not in it for money, or just for their friends, or for a few.”

In his statement, which was broadcast on the radio, he said his team will passionately but respectfully and strategically fight for the good of all.

“Yes, all – national and non-national, young and old, black and white, rich and poor, private and public sector, at home and abroad,” he said.

Romeo suggested that the former government did not do enough during the COVID-19 pandemic to put people to work in order to save the economy.

He said that while the UK government had plenty of money in their aid budget to assist, a “solid case that is legally, politically and morally sound”, was not presented.

The next government will need to understand the British government and their people in order to negotiate better and more effectively with them, Romeo added.

“For understandably, as our partner and biggest investor in the development of Montserrat, the British government will continue to be the main source of funding for several years to come.”

Business boost

The former premier said Montserrat must also strengthen its private sector so that it can benefit from the local and foreign investment, which it is now better poised to attract.

“With much of the key transformational infrastructure like the seaport, hospital and undersea fibre being finally put in place, it’s time to create wealth for our businesses and people,” he said.

Other focuses, such as education, access, agriculture, tourism, and good governance will establish a solid foundation on which to build and grow as new Montserrat, Romeo added.

He stressed that young people must be fully included and involved in all plans and drive to empower vibrant private sector businesses.

“Don’t let anyone fool you, with the rapid depopulation and economic hardship presently faced by our people and businesses, we are at a very critical point in our history,” he said.

“Nevertheless, we must remember that no matter how dark it may seem, where there is goodwill, there is always a good way forward.”