Former deputy premier joins election race as independent candidate

Delmaude Ryan has announced her intention to run as an independent candidate in the 24 October general election in Montserrat.

During a paid political programme on ZJB Radio, the former deputy premier said: “I am here not just as a candidate, but as someone who has dedicated my life to serving Montserrat.”

Ryan, who is also a past minister of education, health and social services, said she celebrated several successes during her time in government.

“Under my leadership, we got it done. These were not just political wins. They made a real difference in our lives,” she said.

She went on to remind listeners that she previously served under the People’s Democratic Movement (PDM).

“You’re probably wondering why I have not joined the party. The reality is, I have not been affiliated with the PDM party since early on, since I’ve left government,” she said.

Possible coalition

Ryan said she decided to run as an independent candidate because it is her belief, after hearing from the public, that Montserrat is heading towards a coalition government.

Meanwhile, she said members of the diaspora have told her that “there is no one party that has the experience or the correct leadership to be solely elected”.

“Therefore, I have come forward with my experience, to focus on my strengths and what I can do to help push this country forward,” she said.

The former deputy premier, who was born and raised in Montserrat, said the island needs leaders who can hit the ground running.

“We cannot afford to waste time on inexperienced or weak leadership while our people struggle with the high cost of living and while our country slip into the dark ages,” she said.

The independent candidate said her goal is to bring in extra funds and turn ideas into reality.

“Monserrat is facing many issues, and as a single person willing to work with whoever is elected, I know that I’m able to help to get things done.”

Watch the programme in full below:


EDITOR’S NOTE: This article provides impartial coverage of political activities in the lead up to the 24 October general election in Montserrat.

It does not constitute an endorsement of any party or candidate.

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