Gospel concert to raise funds for young man’s urgent medical care

Faith Tabernacle Pentecostal Church is hosting a gospel concert this weekend to raise funds for a young man from Montserrat who is battling a serious heart condition.

Twenty-year-old Azaar Mitchell is in urgent need of a pacemaker and related healthcare, which is expected to cost in the region of EC$90,000 – an overwhelming expense for his family.

So far, friends and supporters have raised close to $16,000 to help toward the costs, with more to be collected from a car wash fundraiser held in late December.

This weekend’s concert, which is hoped to significantly add to that total, is taking place at the church in Brades on Sunday, 2 February, from 6pm.

It will feature performances from Mildred Chalmers, Sonja Smith, Pastor Simon Peter Buffonge and more. Donations will be collected at the event.

Breakfast sale

The Jamaica Montserrat Association is also doing its bit to raise funds for Azaar’s treatment by hosting a breakfast sale from 7am until 12pm on Saturday, 1 February.

The event will take place in the church parking lot and will include an array of food and drinks which participants can enjoy for just $25.

On the menu is ackee and salt fish, baked beans, callaloo, eggs, eggplant, fritters, muffins, steamed fish, steamed papaya, steamed vegetables, stewed chicken, stewed liver, stewed sausage and salad.

Local ginger beer and golden apple drinks as well as bush tea will also be included in the cost of the ticket.

Years of struggle

Azaar has endured debilitating symptoms, including fainting, headaches, shortness of breath, and chest pain, for four years.

His stepmother, Shimmoya Latty-Mitchell, told Montserrat Focus this week that he is still in pain and now displaying signs of hypertension.

He was referred to a medical facility in Jamaica for further tests last year and now remains there awaiting surgery.

“We have been in dialogue with the surgeon as we wanted to come up with a payment plan, as in pay a percentage and pay the remaining after the surgery,” Latty-Mitchell said.

“He stated bluntly that nothing can be done until the full money is paid, as persons often made promises to a pay after and then there is always issues regarding that.”

Community figure

Azaar completed his secondary education at Montserrat Secondary School and went on to work as an orderly at the Glendon Hospital.

Known for his musical talent, he won Montserrat’s first gospel competition in 2022 and has contributed to numerous community events since, despite his health struggles.

Those wishing to make a donation from Montserrat, can deposit money to Azaar Mitchell at the St Patrick’s Cooperative Credit Union, Account Number: 1077757.

Alternatively donations can be made online to a GoFundMe fundraising page here.

To find out how to donate in person, explore other ways to support the cause, or for further information, Shimmoya Latty-Mitchell can be contacted on (664) 496-2899.