Government seeks public input on draft Montserrat Population Policy

“This policy’s comprehensive approach integrates economic, social, and environmental strategies to create a more resilient and prosperous society,” it reads.

The document outlines four primary outcomes that are essential to achieving its goals.

Quality of life

The policy firstly seeks to improve the quality of life in Montserrat, making it more attractive for current residents, particularly young people, to stay and for new immigrants to come.

“Reaching this goal requires significant human capital, health, education, and social protection investments,” it says.

Strategies within the document include promoting healthy diets, improving healthcare services, enhancing educational opportunities, and increasing social protection coverage.

“By creating a supportive and inclusive environment, the policy aims to retain residents and attract new ones, fostering a vibrant and dynamic society,” it adds.

International migration

The policy aims to manage international migration effectively to meet workforce and population growth needs.

It explains that this requires developing a ten-year skills-based immigration plan to attract the necessary number and type of people, aligning with the national economic and social development goals.

“Strategies to achieve this include fast-track residency permits, integration services, and targeted incentives to attract skilled workers and young families,” it says.

Additionally, the policy emphasises the importance of engaging the Montserratian diaspora through financial incentives, investment opportunities, and programmes to encourage return migration.

Demographic resilience

The policy ensures demographic resilience by integrating population growth into the national strategy for economic development, social equity and environmental sustainability.

Also it does this by creating a more enabling context for family formation, fertility and reproduction.

Key strategies include providing financial and practical support for childbearing and early childcare, promoting flexible working policies for women, and improving access to reproductive health services.

The policy aims to generate conditions that could result in increasing birth rates and support sustainable population growth by eliminating any restrictions women and couples may have for having children.

Data ecosystem

Finally, the policy aims to build and maintain an integrated data ecosystem to support the implementation and monitoring of population policies.

This involves improving the quality and availability of demographic data, enhancing data collection and analysis capabilities, and ensuring evidence-based decision-making.

“The policy can be effectively monitored and adjusted by building a robust data ecosystem to respond to changing demographic trends and needs,” it says.


A critical aspect of the policy’s success will be its implementation, monitoring, and evaluation framework, it reads.

This needs clear implementation timelines, responsibilities assigned to relevant government departments and stakeholders, and adequate funding and resources, it says.

The Montserrat Population Policy Secretariat will conduct regular monitoring and evaluation to track progress, assess the effectiveness of interventions, and make necessary adjustments.

The government will need to employ a transparent and participatory approach involving all stakeholders, including civil society, the private sector, and international partners, it adds.

The draft Montserrat Population Policy can be accessed in full here and a survey where opinions can be logged is available here.

Further information is available from the Policy and Planning Unit at or (644) 491-2066.