Gov’t publishes performance report on sustainable development goals

The government has released a comprehensive report outlining its progress in achieving a series of long-term sustainable development goals for Montserrat.

The 2021/2022 Montserrat National Performance Report, published on 12 July, focuses on the targets outlined in the Montserrat Sustainable Development Plan 2008-2020.

Covering 96 indicators from nine government ministries, along with additional metrics from critical agencies, it offers a comprehensive view of government performance.

The report not only serves as a progress benchmark, it provides direction for allocation of resources and plays a vital role in ensuring the government’s accountability and transparency.

It covers each of five broad goals – economic management, human development, environment management and disaster mitigation, governance, and population.


Notable achievements in economic management included the Montserrat Port Development project and the completion of a significant solar project, both supporting economic growth and job creation.

However, while the island experienced a 5.48% GDP growth, inflation rose sharply from 2.99% in 2020/21 to 5.17% in 2021/22, the report, prepared by the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, said.

In terms of human development, Montserrat Community College maintained high pass rates, aligning with the sustainable development plan’s goals to produce job-ready graduates.

Yet, primary and secondary education results lagged behind targets, indicating a need for improved teacher training and institutional support.

The homeownership programme made progress, though challenges like resource availability and land access persisted.

The Ministry of Health continued effective management of non-communicable diseases, aiming to reduce government dependency and healthcare costs.

Environmental management and disaster mitigation efforts remained a core function, with ongoing monitoring and management of natural resources.

Meanwhile, governance and accountability saw progress, the report said, with successful audits and crime management efforts.

Population management, however, remained a concern as the population decreased from 4,519 in 2020 to 4,433 in 2021, highlighting the need for strategies to retain residents and attract new ones.

Overall, while Montserrat Sustainable Development Plan 2008-2020 provided a solid framework, addressing critical areas is essential for realising Montserrat’s goals, the report said.