New IT system to speed up diagnostics at Glendon Hospital

A new information management system at Glendon Hospital will decrease time needed to get patient results from the laboratory, the Ministry of Health and Social Services has said.

According to a press release on 28 February, the computer software will enable results to be sent directly to the requesting health professional, allowing for quicker diagnostic decisions to be made.

Camille Thomas-Gerald, permanent secretary of Health and Social Services, said it will contribute greatly to enhanced efficiency, accuracy and overall quality in laboratory operations in Montserrat.

The software, named Senaite, forms “a part of our wider mandate to improve patient care through the use of safe and trusted technology”, she said.

The Caribbean Public Health Agency, a Senaite consultant and the Department of Information, Technology, E-Government Services collaborated to install the system.

The lab team will use it for various processes, including sample management, data analysis and quality control. It will free up staff from manual recording and improve accuracy.

The team involved in implementing the new laboratory information management system. (Photo: Government of Montserrat)

Kimona Daniel-Bourne, senior medical technologist at Glendon Hospital’s laboratory, welcomed the new technology.

“Senaite is very important to the laboratory and to Montserrat as it plays a significant role in ensuring compliance with established practices and protocols in the laboratory field,” she said.

Project officer Jevon West is responsible for ensuring a the full and seamless integration of the system into laboratory functions.

Glendon Hospital in St John’s is Montserrat’s main secondary care facility.