No developments in search for missing fire officer John Lee

Montserratian fire officer John Lee, who went missing during a solo fishing trip nearly two weeks ago, has still not been found.

Commissioner of Police Mark Payne told Montserrat Focus on Monday, 9 September, that the Royal Montserrat Police Service are continuing to explore every opportunity to bring him home.

“The physical search of the sea and land has been scaled back, as we have searched every area that we can access,” he said.

“We continue to progress other options and are in contact with authorities across the Lesser Antilles chain so that any sightings can be reported back and investigated.

“We are determined to take every option to provide closure to John’s family, friends and his colleagues in the fire service.”

Lee set out alone from Montserrat on a white 30 foot fishing vessel named the MV Optimum at about 6.30am on 28 August.

He was expected back to shore later that day, but he has not yet returned.

Search mission

The Royal Montserrat Police Service has since searched the seas on the Heliconia Star police vessel with support from local groups and the neighbouring islands.

The only clue as to the whereabouts of Lee came when the multi-agency team found a fuel tank from his boat off the coast of Redonda.

ABSTV Antigua posted a video on YouTube on Monday, in which it said the Calvin Ayre Foundation based in Antigua assisted with an aerial search in a helicopter that day.

Pilot Francois LeBlanc told the media company: “We weren’t able to see anything from the helicopter. It would have been a miracle, almost, I should say, but we did the best we could today.

“I think that the area that we covered was extensive enough to at least rule out that he wasn’t there.”

Lee’s wife Marcelle Watts told ABSTV Antigua that the family continues to hold onto hope that he will be found.

“We appeal to persons, those in the maritime community as well, any information you may have, any sighting, no matter how simple or insignificant, please reach out to the authorities,” she said.

The Royal Montserrat Police Service can be reached at (664) 491-2555 and the Montserrat Fire and Rescue Service can be reached at (664) 491-7790.

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