Opposition: Delayed gov’t funding causes hardship for residents

The leader of the opposition has demanded answers from the finance minister on an alleged lack of funding for “highly anticipated” government maintenance jobs.

Paul Lewis, speaking on ZJB Radio on 5 June, said the first tranche of funding from the United Kingdom has still not arrived, two months after the 2024-2025 Budget was approved.

Paul Lewis, leader of the official opposition. (Governor’s Office)

An arrangement for short term financing of recurrent programmes and obligations that would normally cover this period appears to not have taken place this year, he said.

“Instead, the reality being faced presently, is one where every department over the last two months has been operating on a skeleton budget,” the opposition leader said.

“This is having a direct impact upon the hardship being experienced by many residents as payments that individuals have been waiting for are not able to be processed.

“Furthermore disturbing, is that some of the vital services provided for departments will not processed until the relevant departments receive their full funding.”

Lewis anticipates that this will mean certain government departments that sometimes employ private contractors will not be able to roll out their maintenance jobs.

“At this time of year, particularly when the contractors should be busy conducting these maintenance jobs – a means by which they earn their living – nothing at all is happening.

“Imagine, no work coming their way. Yet, bills to pay are piling up every day,” he told radio listeners.

Payment dilemma

Lewis said it is unclear why government departments have not yet received their full quarterly tranche.

The “payment dilemma” is having a negative impact upon families and by extension, the local economy that is already under severe strain, he added.

And as such, he continued, “it is imperative that an immediate explanation be given to the public by the minister of finance”.

The opposition leader called the silence on the matter “unacceptable” and asked: “Is it that the government has not yet received the first tranche of funds from UK?”

“If this is indeed the case, then the people deserve to know why,” he said.

Lewis questioned: “Is there a problem with the facility in place that allows government to function for three months until funds are received from the UK?

“The people need to know what is going on with the public finances.

“Why is the Government of Montserrat facing financial peril so soon after the budget allocation was approved?

“We know for sure that this is not affecting government ministers, as they are still receiving the salaries.”

Montserrat Focus has reached out to the Ministry of Finance for a comment and is awaiting a response.