PDM unveils full candidate list for upcoming general election

The People’s Democratic Movement (PDM) has released its full list of candidates for Montserrat’s general election on 24 October.

The nine-member list features PDM leader Paul Lewis and his fellow PDM members as well as members of the National Progressive Movement (NPM), established earlier this year.

Lewis and NPM leader Donaldson Romeo announced on Monday, 2 September, that the two political parties would be merging following public calls for collaboration.

The candidates include leader Lewis, his newly appointed deputy Romeo, Glenville Daley, Alaric Lynch, Nyota Mulcare, David Osborne, Eustace Osborne, Shirley Osborne, and Jermaine Wade.

According to a post on the PDM Facebook page, the team includes two past presidents of the Montserrat Civil Association, a former premier, and a former speaker of the Montserrat Legislative Assembly.

It also boasts entrepreneurs, three former ministers of government, the leader of the opposition, a former parliamentary secretary and parliamentarian, and former first youth parliamentarian.

They “bring a vibrancy of skills, desire, experience and a true belief in the future of Montserrat’s promise, to form the next government to move the island forward”, the post read.

The PDM will kick off its election campaign with a rally on Saturday, 7 September, at the Salem Centre.


EDITOR’S NOTE: This article provides impartial coverage of political activities in the lead up to the 24 October general election in Montserrat.

It does not constitute an endorsement of any party or candidate.

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