Project team releases fresh renderings of Little Bay pier

The Montserrat Port Development Project team has released updated renderings of what the completed pier at Little Bay will look like.

The images were sent to media following the latest town hall meeting on the project which took place at St Peter’s Anglican Church hall on 9 May.

This artist’s rendering shows a birds eye view of the new pier along Little Bay. (Montserrat Port Development Project)

The groundbreaking at the site of the £35.4 million (EC$120 million) Montserrat Port Development Project took place nearly two years ago in June 2022.

The project is being financed jointly by the United Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Fund and the European Development Fund.

Planned infrastructure works include the construction of an offshore jetty, new access road, dredging works and slope stabilisation.

This rendering gives an idea of the size of boat that will be able to dock at the new pier in Little Bay. (Montserrat Port Development Project)

In March, the team announced the transport of 320 caissons from the manufacturing site in Piper’s Pond to the site of the new pier in Little Bay. It warned road-users to be cautious.

In February, Deputy Premier Samuel Joseph said following several extensions to the development timeline, the new completion date is 9 May.

The Port Authority was relocated to Little Bay from the former capital Plymouth in June 1997 after volcanic activity destroyed the port.

A boardwalk will be constructed alongside the pier in Little Bay. (Montserrat Port Development Project)

Montserrat Focus will cover the town hall meeting in full in a subsequent article.