Romeo names National Progressive Movement as new political party

Donaldson Romeo, opposition member of the Montserrat Legislative Assembly, has announced the name of the new political party he plans to lead to the upcoming general election.

“We are officially registered as the National Progressive Movement and we have chosen the colour orange as our symbol for change,” he said in a paid statement on ZJB Radio on 24 April.

Romeo explained that he intends on presenting the party’s platform following this April’s sitting of the Legislative Assembly and budget debates.

The former premier first announced his plans to contest the general election on 9 February, saying he would do it with a team of “dedicated, trust-worthy and capable individuals”.

At the time he said he had been meeting with “a group” over the previous several months but did not identify any of the members.

“What I said some three months ago, is now a reality,” Romeo said in his latest statement, adding, “I am proud to be associated with the National Progressive Movement.

“A party that is determined to work hard, day and night, shoulder to shoulder with those at home and abroad, with God’s help to save our beloved country from further decline.”

He said Montserrat needs a fresh, credible and experienced government with a plan to take the island out of a “lingering crisis” related to the population and governance.

Teamwork and vision

With his party, Romeo said he plans to take the island towards an economic break through, sound governance, and self-sustaining growth, and away from dependence on the UK government.

“We need an experienced government that will work hard to unite Montserrat around our shared goals and visions for the country,” he said in the radio statement.

“We need a group of genuine, dedicated and effective leaders who understand the importance of teamwork and vision, unity and creativity fearlessness and carefulness.”

Romeo again did not name any of his fellow party members.

However, he said: “You can be assured that the first ever slate of candidates of the National Progressive Movement will respectfully and strategically fight for the good of all.

“Yes, I mean all – national and non-national, young and old, black and white, rich and poor, private and public sector, at home and abroad.”

A shared ideology

He said the party has taken the time to repeatedly meet and reach a meeting of the minds towards developing the most effective short term, midterm and long-term strategies.

“We have all united around a shared ideology of sustainable development and inclusive empowerment,” Romeo added.

Following consultation with the public, the party will develop a “solid case and plan to rapidly improve our quality of life”, he said.

The party leader added that following significant infrastructural achievements, it is time to take the next steps to lay down tracks to create generational wealth.

He assured the party will make sure residents will continue to have “major ownership of our resources and will be the primary beneficiaries of the wealth that will inevitably come”.