United Alliance names Dwayne Hixon as third electoral candidate

Newly formed political party, United Alliance, announced its third candidate for Montserrat’s 2024 general election this week.

Dwayne Hixon, who ran as a member of the People’s Democratic Movement in the 2019 elections, said he switched parties because he was seeking strong leadership.

During a press conference on 15 February, he said former premier and two-time chief minister, Reuben T Meade, is the better option for Montserrat.

Hixon said this is down to “his experience, his knowledge, his know-how to deal with most of the issues that are at hand”.

Leader of the United Alliance, Reuben T Meade, former premier and two-time chief minister. (Screenshot: ZJB Radio)

“Montserrat needs a leader that can craft the challenges that we’re facing into stepping stones are not stumbling blocks,” he said.

The electoral candidate spoke of his ambitions for the island and stressed the importance of working as a team, during the live broadcast on ZJB Radio.

Among the topics he touched on were Montserrat’s accessibility, border security, the housing crisis, tourism, the constitution, the port, and attracting and retaining residents.


On introducing himself, Hickson said he is a “successful young Montserratian” and a “multi-skilled, multi-talented entrepreneur” of over 25 years.

He told gathered media and radio listeners that he is a “man of the people and a man for the people” and epitomises the adage ‘service above self’ through community work.

“I am confident that I have the skills, the intellect, the business acumen, the passion, patriotism, integrity and courage to become an elected representative,” he said.

“A representative that will positively distinguish myself as a frontline member of the team that will rescue, redeem and redevelop Montserrat.”

He stressed that he is “ready, willing and able” to serve Montserrat in all aspects of the political sphere.

“I fully align myself and embrace the vision, mission and ethical principles of the team,” Hixon said.

“I am ready to make this contribution as part of the alliance that will restore Montserrat in the short term and lay the foundation for sustainable success in the long term.”

‘A team effort’

When asked how he would address Montserrat’s accessibility issues, Hixon said he would leave the technical details to the two new pilots from the diaspora.

“It’s a team effort, so it’s not a one-man thing. All of us are going to actually give our input,” he said, adding that this would feed into the party’s manifesto.

The introduction of a Twin Otter high-wing, twin-engine, turbo-prop aircraft would help to maximise the use of the airport, he added.

On the topic of border security, Hixon said another technician is looking into that and again he said it is the team that would provide an input.

He did not offer any personal insights on the matter.

When he was asked about the quality of rental properties, he said he has limited knowledge of the local market and anything with policy would be referred to “the team”.

He did, however, suggest the possibility of the introduction of a housing association.

On the housing crisis, he said the issue is with acquiring land, and suggested that could happen through a partnership with investors or “twinning” with other jurisdictions.

In terms of a population strategy, Hixon said to attract residents to the island Montserrat needs to improve its access, and to retain them “it’s social life”.

Having a few longer-term visitors, who buy property, is more important than thousands of cruise ship passengers, he suggested, adding “that’s just my personal thing”.

Advice of technicians

Hixon said he is for constitutional reform and he is glad that both the government and the official opposition were able to agree on that in parliament.

On the Montserrat Port Development Project, he said, if elected, his party will continue the construction as is already planned – or improve on it.

The US$46 million Montserrat Port Development Project at Little Bay is expected to be finished by 9 May. (Screenshot: Government of Montserrat)

He said he would like to see a marina in Little Bay “for shelter” but added that he will leave that up to the experts.

On the Montserrat New Hospital build, he said, again that technicians are looking at the project and the party will follow their advice.

When asked how he would reverse an apparent disconnect between Montserrat’s communities, the United Alliance candidate said it is down to education.

He said, personally, he does not judge people on what he sees or what is said about them, adding, “I go according to what you present”.

When asked about investment of money, skills or knowledge from the diaspora, Hixon said that is “one of the things that I see that is very lacking”.

On the topic of COVID-19 and how he and his party would have handled it, the United Alliance candidate said, “I would do better”.”

And when asked about collaboration with other countries and food security, he again said they were matters for his team.

Hixon joins political newcomer John Osborne Junior in the United Alliance.

More details on the upcoming elections and how to register to vote are available at Electoral Commission of Montserrat’s website: www.electoralcommission.ms