Trade, culture and tourism review to highlight skills gaps

The government is commissioning an assessment of Montserrat’s trade and commerce, culture, and tourism sectors to identify any gaps in skills.

The ultimate aim of the two-month review is to guide the creation of targeted training and development programmes, and boost the readiness and adaptability of workers.

An invitation to tender was published on the government’s website on 7 March asking technical consultants to bid for the contract. They have until 10 April to apply.

The analysis is part of the Montserrat Port Development Project and, according to the tender document, it will ensure stakeholders can benefit from the completed development.

Little Bay businesses and educational institutions will be the main focus of the consultants, who will use surveys, interviews, and industry reports to gather data.

The Ministry of Communication, Works and Labour’s review will also pay particular attention to women and young people and examine opportunities for their development.

And it will conclude with recommendations for addressing the identified skills gaps, and propose potential training programmes and policy changes.

Port project

The Montserrat Port Development Project involves the construction of a 130-metre pier with breakwater support and shelter for the structure and the existing jetty.

“The output allows for a continuous safe harbour for cruise ships, ferries, yachts, cargo ships, fishing vessels, and other vessels,” the tender document says.

The priority project is deemed pivotal for Montserrat’s revitalisation, economic recovery and sustainability.

It underpins the government’s Economic Growth Strategy with new economic activities, increased job opportunities, improved productivity, and improved access to the island.

The resultant increase in trade and tourism will positively impact economic growth with improved efficiency, effectiveness and resilience, the document says.